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Audiovisual Training

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Training workers for audiovisual production in English language
Working with the latest technology available in the world market and, leading techniques for the training with the acquisition on favorable terms from DISK Systems. The training Audio-visual creation topped a final exam and certificate of retraining with nationwide validity. 

64 996,05 Kč
Zvolte variantu
accomodation: without accomodation
Termín: 7. 9. 2022 - 22. 2. 2023
4 místa 64 996,05 Kč

TRAINING worker audiovisual production

in English language
A comprehensive training in audiovisual production and only a similar composition, which can currently attend with us. Thanks to cooperation with DISK Systems will be working with the latest technology that is at our disposal, and often still is not even on the market. Learn trends in the field, try basic formats, including live transmission, in the training will learn how to shoot, edit, post and more - see the contents of the training.
After the training, then you get attractive discounts on technology from DISK Systems.
30% discount on the lease rental of video technology companies DISK
8% discount on the purchase of audio and video equipment from the company's portfolio DISK



TV creation: Ing. Peter Raven, Ing. Michal Kyjonka - DISK Multimedia
Editing and postproduction: Jan Řada (TV NOVA, SPŠST Panska)
Camera - reportage: Milan Grym (NOVA, PRIMA Television, TV PRAGUE)
Cinematography, editing, document: Matthew Valenta (CT)
English - Brock Anthony Black (CT, FAMU, JAMU)


_DSC0400  petr krkavec _DSC0148 michal kyjonka 20150907_092318

Graduate profile:

Students will in practice be able to record audio-visual clues and will know the technique how to use them

and work with technology that is needed for this recording (light, sound, cinematography, adaptation space).
 The student will know the basic principles and rules of shooting audiovisual recording. With this also will be able to also work with editing and graphics (subtitles, graphics in the video editing).

Graduate will understand the Basic English terminology of audiovisual works. Will be able to assimilate and present a contract in English.

The knowledge and skills can be applied to the Internet as well as television and radio experience, or may choose their knowledge and skills to deepen and continue their education at some universities audiovisual work


What will you to work with?

kamera GY-HM850_side1  kamera JVC GY-HM650 kamera canon xh a1 Sennheiser EW 100G3 wireless set


  • MUNI TV_Rezie 05            MUNI TV Studio 07



 Graduation exam to obtain a certificate of completion:

Final exams within 3 hours. (One free result):
1. the test of knowledge in the field (success min. 80%) Extent of exam is about 40 questions.
2nd Seminar paper on selected topics from the field of audiovisual production - range 2 A4.
3rd Graduate works – including editing and post-production of a final project in its entire form and presentation.

Get training certificate 

Trainings accredited by the Ministry of Education - Ministry of Education of Czech Republic - MSMT - 36821 / 2013-1 / 821

DEADLINE rate, select the following alternatives:

Organization of training: 2 - 3 times a week, usually in the afternoon, evening, weekends - be prepared for greater time load for 3 months



Conditions (initial conditions) to receive a participant in the training program:
1. Min. Completed secondary education (graduated)
2. Submission min. of 2 minutes long video recording
3. Motivation letter for studying – written form copy
4. Basic knowledge of English.



1.950,- EUR (2.180,- USD) without accomodation in Prague

2.590,- Euro (2.900,- USD) with 3 months accomodation in Prague. The accomodation is paying separately.

Ask about the possibility of financing in two parts on: obchod@applaus.cz , telephone: +420 775 282 140



APPLAUS MÉDIA, Ltd.,  Žirovnická 2389, 106 00 Praha 10 - Czech Press Service building,, DISK SYSTEMS, Kříženeckého náměstí, Praha 5 - Barrandov

07 KV Arena

Duration and content of training:
300 lessons
Lenght: 3 months


World and the Czech Republic History to past
Current TV Creation
The most distinctive personalities and works
Work ethic in the media
Commercial and Civil Code
Media law
Administrative law
The Law on the Protection of Data Media
Audiovisual terminology in English
Professional conversation - entering purchase agreements in audiovisual recording conversation – presentation of audiovisual recording in English
TV terminology / acronyms, slang
TV formats:
Documentary, series, interviews, live feed news
Image resolution, compression and transmission formats
TV equipment and technologies:
TV studio equipment
Directing, sound studio
Description functions- types of cameras, sound and light - equipment
TV crew
Technology - camera slang
Working with sound
Studio Recording
Live broadcasting
TV productions
Editing and postproduction
Introduction to Editing
Technology - in the editing room TV,
Editing software:
Working with rough material - video, audio
Types of cutting and editing formats
Other products:
Graphics - branding, sounds and background music
Applications graphics and sounds into video recording
Archival records

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